· Turmeric powder (curry powder) · Grape juice · Red sweet potato powder · Soap · Rectangular container · Writing paper (calligraphy paper or any thick absorbent paper) |
Taking it further |
1. Use colored paper and see if they have effect on the procedure. 2. Try other substances like blueberry juice and other colored drinks. 3. You can also use other objects instead of your hand. |
1. Pour water on the container about 1 cm deep. Sprinkle turmeric powder and mix it until the water become yellow. |
2. Spread and dip the paper gently into the water. Wait until the paper absorbs the color. Get the paper and dry it. |
3. Wash the container. Pour the grape juice in the container about 1 cm deep. Do procedure No. 2. |
4. For red sweet potato powder, do the same procedure on curry powder (procedure No.1 and No. 2). |
5. After drying the paper, wet your hand and apply soap on your palm.
6. Press your hand firmly on the colored paper and removed it. |
7. Now you have artistically hand printed paper! |