· Round magnet (ferrite magnet) (____cm in diameter) · Cooper wire · Cellophane tape (scotch tape) · Thick paper (__ cm x__ cm) · Connecting wires with alligator clips and pin plug (see photos) (*see below for the options) · Mobile phone (cassette player, computers or any music player can be use) |
Taking it further |
1. Try using stainless steel wire or brass wire. Compare the difference between sound waves produced by them. Which wire makes the earphone louder with the same number of coil winding and thickness of wire?
2. Experiment on how to improve the sound of the earphone. You can change the number of turns of coil, thickness of the wire, strength of the magnet, or even try bigger or smaller diameter of coin or wire. Try as many possible way you can think of in improving quality of the sound. |
Paper Earphone |
1. Make a coil by winding the copper wire into a A size battery or cap of a PET bottle 15-20 times. Leave about 1 and half inch of wire free at one end and on the other end. Wrap the free end of the wire around the coil. The coil will look as shown in the photo. |
2. Fold the paper into half and attach the coil in half portion of the paper using. scotch tape. |
3. On the other half of the paper, attached the round magnet using scotch tape. Make sure that it will fit in the coil when the paper is fold. |
2. Connect the alligator clips of the connecting wires on the free end of the coil and connect the pin plug to the mobile phone-earphone jack. |
5. Fold the paper with round magnet and coil and bring it near to your ear. Play music on your mobile phone or music player. Can you hear the music playing? |
Note: If you a connecting wire with alligator clip and pin plug is not available, you can buy a separate connecting wire and a pin plug and connect it by yourself or you can buy a disposable earphone and cut the earplug, remove the plastic coating and connect it to the free end of the coil. |
* This experiment is adapted from the experiment learned from Hokkaido Science Center, Sapporo. |