· Laptop or (Personal Computer or Radio Stereo) · Aluminum Foil · Flashlight · Solar Cell (Photovoltaic Cell) · In-ear Headphone with pin plug · Paper cup · Scissor |
Note: This experiment has best result if done in a dark room. |
1. Cut the bottom of the paper so that it will look like in the photo. 2. Cover the bottom with aluminum foil. Set aside. You will use it later. 3. Remove the left and right earpiece of the headphone by cutting using the scissor. 4. Remove the insulator of the wires of the headphone. 5. Connect it to the terminals of the solar cell. |
6. Connect the plug of the headphone on the microphone outlet of the laptop. Turn the volume of the laptop on its maximum. 7. Now get the paper cup with aluminum foil. Hold the cup near the solar cell wherein the aluminum foil is facing the solar cell. 8. Request somebody to hold the flashlight about one foot from the paper cup pointing the light on the aluminum foil. You can observe that there is a reflection of light from the aluminum foil. Point that reflected light on the solar cell. Better of light from the flashlight is concentrated. 9. Speak toward the bottom of the paper cup. A bowel of AEIUO is better. Speak until you hear a sound from the laptop. |
Yellow arrow shows the path of the reflected light. |
Taking it further |
1. Ask the student to think of a way so that the sound can be heard more loudly. 2. Ask the student to think of a different set-up or add materials in the experiment to make it more successful. 3. Tell the students to research more about the light and sound relationship. |